Water Dowsing

This is known as an ancient art that is still used extensively in modern society.

Most notably - Farming, building construction, military requirements and operations, locating water leaks, drilling bore holes for water and also locating oil and minerals etc.,

Dowsing can save the need for heavy equipment, time and money.

Water divining includes - Locating the best sites and positions for bore holes and searching for other possible water supplies such as underground springs and aquifiers.

Water Dowsing in London

Locating Underground Water

Dowsing can locate and measure unseen and often unknown things including -

Searching for underground water - if found attempting to give an idea of the depth,

flow direction, flow rate and potability ( water quality ).

Wells - locating a well can release valuable water supplies and can save water bills etc.,

** Access to reserves of water has never been more important today especially bearing in mind the actions of climate change.

Leaks - can cause considerable damage to residential and commercial premises.

This causes considerable distress and expense.

Dowsing London

Albert Einstein letter to Mr H Peisach ( 15/2/46 ) includes the words :-

‘According to my conviction the dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the uncanny reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.'


Dowsing must be considered as an art and not a science.

As with many things in life there is no guarantee of success.

Therefore, it needs to be understood is at your own risk as the client, whether you

proceed with any information given by the consultant or not.

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